We have found a great way to save two of your favorite things:

1. The planet
2. Your prerolls


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Medical Cannabis and Plastic Pollution

Cannabis patients consume a large number of prerolls, and the vast majority of packaged prerolls come in plastic tubes made of cheap, non-recyclable plastics that end up getting tossed in the trash. While they are great at protecting prerolls and can be used several times, they are ultimately awful for the environment.

Organtica Packaging and the Three R’s of Sustainability

We have been conscious of the need for more eco-friendly packaging for a long time now. Because of state regulations regarding packaging in the cannabis industry, we can’t always use eco-friendly packaging for all our products, but we sure do try and continue to search for eco-friendly solutions. Currently, many of our edible products are packaged in biodegradable plastic, but we want to do more.


the amount of plastic trash by purchasing items you can continue to use over and over again for years to come, like water bottles and a nice grocery/shopping bags, for example.


Our society isn’t there yet with biodegradable packaging for all consumer products, so right now our choice for this plastic packaging dilemma is to either recycle or find another purpose for the container instead of tossing it in the trash. Reusing plastic definitely helps.


Recycling is our last option, but how can we ever be sure where the plastics we send in to recycle end up? Are the recycling centers and curb side pick-ups doing the proper thing with the mountains of recycled products they collect? Is this mess of plastic ending up in the land fills and oceans anyway?

Besides the fact that these cases are made from reclaimed ocean plastic, what makes a PAQ case so special?

It has a firm child proof lid that secures a special gasket that completes the seal of the rugged case. This makes it…

• smell proof
• water resistant
• humidity buffered
• crush proof
• fits five fatty, king sized prerolls all snug-like

PAQCASE preroll cases will be available at all Organtica Clinics beginning on Earth Day, April 22.